Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Phenomenal Jan 15th, Sat. 1 to 4:00pm

WE begin again renewed in 2011.
blog, email, join or facebook to register
and come for free intro.

Friday, November 26, 2010

W.A.I.T ?

Why am I talking? I sure wish more speakers would ask themselves this.

When you prepare a talk...
What do you want your listeners to do that they would not have done if you weren't there?

Work backwards from this point to create your experience for them.
Yes, it is an experience, not a bunch of information projected at them.

8 Ways to Eliminate Stress in Public Speaking

1. Love your subject: Talk about what you believe in and are passionate about, otherwise it can be a painful experience. If you inherited a topic that you don’t care about, search for some kernel of interest or approach the topic from a perspective that gives it meaning to you.

2. Be excited to share it: If you are excited to share it you will find creative ways to make sure your audience absorbs it. If you know what you want to say is there ever a need to search for words?

3. Rehearse: Actors talk a script out loud all the time. If you see someone walking down the street talking to themselves they are either actors rehearsing lines… or they are crazy…. Or both. When you engage the muscular movement of the lips, tongue and jaw, you aid memory, build sense, connect to your emotions, and teach your body to be clear. Most speakers I know spend time organizing PowerPoint, making the handouts and collecting the content. Rehearsal? Oops, haven’t got time. Speak the speech out loud to your plants, pets, and passers-by. Give yourself a practice audience where you can get feedback. Join a Toastmaster’s group.

4. Make it about them: The drama happens in the minds of the audience, not in your sweat glands. Stimulate their imaginations with stories, inspire them with possibilities, and challenge them with opportunities. Get them to talk about their needs.

5. Train your voice: What? I’m not a singer! Doesn’t matter. Actors train their voices so that night after night they can reach the back of the theatre with every human emotion. They need to be heard without shouting and keep their voices throughout a long run of a show. A relaxed, powerful, resonant voice creates comfort in the listeners. They are more willing to believe that you are an authority.

6. Train your body: A self aware body carries itself with ease and uses itself to direct the attention of the audience, rather than tremble and shake. A body that is in front of a crowd takes the heat and experiences the impulses of fight or flight. Training tames those impulses and re-directs the energy to make an impact on your audience.

7. Decide that you are a performer. That’s right! Give yourself permission to be a great communicator and a dynamic presence. Take it on with no apology. You will notice an instant change from your listeners who will respond with positive feedback and appreciation.

8. Give 100% of yourself. Hold nothing back and make it life and death. When you have the privilege of speaking to people make it matter. This day is not like any other day because you are in front of the group. Make it a memorable experience for everyone, not simply an information download.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Free Open Class Sat. Nov. 6th 1pm to 4pm

Hi Folks,

The eighth session of the current Phenomenal Speakers series is coming up and we want to share it with you. You are invited to join us for free.

Come see what all the excitement is about. Experience the amazing work the participants have created, and take part in some of the super effective exercises.

Sat. November 6th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
(please come a few minutes early to sign in)

Discover what's in it for you to be a Phenomenal Speaker.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO, coach, facilitator, healer, or teacher you will find the communication methods and strategies hugely effective in helping you reach others with your mission.

@ Rhodes Wellness College
#280-1125 Howe Street (side door on Helmcken)
Vancouver, BC

Register here by sending me a message to and saying "I'll be there".

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I am astonished at the level of risk that the participants are bringing to the class.
Compelling stuff.

Don't worry if you get a little confused around the focus of the talk.

What is your intention for the people in the room?
Who are you speaking to?
What do you want them to do that they would not have done if they weren't in the room listening to you?

There are three more sessions in the current series. If you are curious to begin your speaking journey or would like to have a look at what we do... come and sit in on a class free, Saturdays 1pm to 4pm...send an email to me at Put in the subject line: I want to check it out.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Workshop update

Some powerful stories and opportunities are emerging from the group. Its exciting to watch.
When we weigh up the value of our time and the value that can bring to others it becomes an easy matter to recognize that your public presence and your language is what creates and/or breaks opportunities. YOU are whats between the lines, what is unsaid, and you can choose to place your intention on creating an amazing experience, leaving others inspired and optimistic. What is the impact you wish to leave others with when you are not with them?

Log in and comment:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Come and take a free speaker training and effective communication session
Saturday Sept. 11, 2010 from 1:oo to 4:00pm
at Rhodes Wellness College

for registration email
or facebook me
...subject line: Sign me up

After that, every Saturday 1:00pm to 4:00pm from then on til November 27th I am conducting intensive small group workshops in speaking and communication skills. This training is offered at the beautiful, convenient Rhodes Wellness College in the heart of downtown Vancouver.

This ongoing (what I call...) Phenomenal Speaker Training series is designed for entrepreneurs/teachers/coaches/counsellors/facilitators/sales folk/lawyers/staff/ESL/CEO's, people who speak to make things happen.

If you stand up and communicate with others (or plan to) as part of your occupation or mission this is for you.

Areas covered in the workshop:

• Breathing, Posture, Body Language, Voice, Projection, Diction
• Content, Dramatic structure, Story-telling, Intention, Focus
• Interaction, facilitation, discussion
• Closing, Call to action

These small group workshops have
10 participants max allowing for maximum personal attention.
They help you develop skill, content, technique, passion and effectiveness in your own unique communication style.

You will learn how to optimize your body, voice, and heart to capture the attention of your audience (whether 3 or 3,000) and inspire them to take action.

If you choose to continue training with me, you will develop at your own pace over 8 sessions... your own content, story, talk, based on your own needs, objectives and agenda as a speaker.
The eight sessions are offered at the Phenomenal price of $988.00.
You have 12 weeks to get in your eight sessions.

If you sign up on or before Sept. 11th, 2010, you get the whole 24 hours (3 times 8 sessions for $888.00 oops... plus hst). If you were to book me one on one for one day, this price would not even come close to covering it. This is insanely lower than my normal corporate daily coaching rate and the only other way to get access to the solid learning and top notch strategies I learned and taught over many years.

Or facebook me:

Find out if this is what you are looking for by having a phone consultation and/or reserving a place on Sept. 11th.
If you enroll you'll get 8 more session. If you don't, there is no obligation.

I look forward to supporting you in your speaking goals.


Jesai Jayhmes

Monday, August 16, 2010

Here are some folks who got alot from the

Friday, August 13, 2010

I decided to do it. I can't stand it anymore. I tried not to offer this opportunity but I just can't stand seeing people take up time in front of others and really don't know how to keep my attention. Since I know how to help I've decided to once more offer this workshop.

I know there are alot of people giving presentation skills workshops. That is not what this is. Presentations are always boring by definition. So are speeches. Don't give a speech, engage me in conversation. Even if I don't answer back aloud you are still having a conversation with me.

Perhaps you want me to do something as a result of listening to you? What is it?
Check out the link and if you live in Vancouver let me know that you would like to show up on the 28th and commit to not wasting other peoples time and providing exceptional value when you speak to others.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

falling asleep in class!

The only training most of us have had in speaking to groups is the examples given or thrust upon us by our teachers. I am distressed to say that 90% of my time as a student was spent in boredom and what I retained from those many years of sitting and obeying that has been relevant to my later life is almost exactly nil.

The best training I have ever received in communication skills has been through my involvement as an actor, director and writer. I learned to approach the speaking opportunity as a performance, which means simply that the audience's attention must be captivated from beginning to end.

Imagine what education would have felt like if our beloved teachers had these skills. It doesn't stop there. So many of us must give the dreaded "presentation" and we only know how to get it over with (at best) before they fall asleep.

Speaking, however, is a requirement for any project, idea, product or activity to become a reality.
You must enroll others in order for anything to happen. Its worth getting some grounding.

Clients of mine have addressed thousands of people and small groups of 3 to 5. Either way, the impact, the effect, and the possible outcomes are huge. To pass a proposal at council chambers, to introduce a new coaching program, to pitch a movie, to launch a new breakthrough product...
Each of these are done through speaking and the result can literally be life changing for you and everyone present. That is as it should be. Speaking to others is a privilege and an honor if approached with respect, skill, authenticity, integrity and with an attitude of service.

I won't go into the strategies right now in this post, but I will develop this blog to be a repository for ways to get your point across.

Ask yourself in preparing for a talk:
"What do I want the people to do today that they would not have done if I was not here."
That answer will shape your time on the platform. You are sculpting the shared time towards your desired outcome.