Thursday, August 2, 2012

Story Lab: a place to explore your story

 What if you, yes you,  were REALLY a consummate storyteller.

What if this were nothing particularly unique to you at all.

What if story telling is what defines us as a species?

What if it is part and parcel of who we are?

Guess what!

You are a powerful story-teller, and the story that you tell yourself and others is the story of who you are, what you are and what value you bring to the world.

I tell, over and over,  to myself and others, my personal Creation Myth. It is not just based on a true story…. I swear to GOD it IS true.

So I pause to ask myself, if this is my story, and it is true, have I already written the ending? Is my future controlled by that story? Does that story allow for the journey and ending that I truly desire to live into?

 Can I create, from this moment, a new and powerful story that is a reflection of my core values, my essence and my deeper mission?

It seems that stories can be both prisons and medicine!

A naturopath ayurvedic doctor  excitedly told me that he felt that story telling and what he termed transformational theatre are two of the most powerful healing modalities today.   He felt this because more and more patients were visiting him having diagnosed themselves with diseases and syndromes that do not exist.  They had created a story around this condition of theirs that defined them as challenged or hampered in some way. This was their excuse for not accomplishing their great work in this life. They had given over the responsibility for their healing to a practitioner.

They were willing to be stuck. Why? Because the story they had created about themselves was the TRUTH!

Storytelling, the art of it, as opposed to the habit of justifying ourselves and our behaviour with it, is a transformational tool. The act of voicing, shaping, giving, sharing and being witnessed in the telling of our stories is powerful medicine.

Speaking aloud in a circle, to listeners, being seen and heard at the deepest level is a practice rare in our culture. Many feel isolated and compartmentalized behind our electronic gadgets, (computers, telephones) we connect through emails, tweets and soundbytes. We lose the practice of  contact and thus, we grow the fear of direct open authentic person to person communication.

Being witnessed in telling our stories, we see and hear ourselves in a new light. In a truly supportive atmosphere, free of competition around who is best, we have the opportunity to script a new story, walk a new path, with outcomes that reveal a mystery in the process of unfolding, and awaken to the magic of our own Hero’s journey, if we so desire.

Life in this body of mine is finite. What ever I believe about the afterlife is also a story. One thing is certain, that at some point I will shed this body and pass on. The space between now and then is open for me to create.

What is the story you tell yourself about who you are?
Is it serving you?
What is the new story that is wanting to create itself through you.

Come to Storylab:

Vinci's Cafe at 194 W 3rd Ave Vancouver BC, Canada Doors open: 5:30 PM and we end by 8:00 PM

Story Lab is an opportunity to tell your story, have it be witnessed, shape it, let it land on others and transform it, if you so desire.

This is a unique opportunity to be part of a lab and, during the month of August, it will be facilitated by international director, actor, story creator,  and speaker coach Jesai Jayhmes.
He directed the Transformational Theatre Experience Siddhartha for Akasha Arts last September, is the author and director of Conversations with Willie, and a long time member and company trainer of Vancouver Playback Theatre.

Jesai very rarely offers public workshops and as a personal favour to Carla Reiger who created Storylab as a meet up group he has agreed to host the sessions through August.
Jesai has coached hundreds of speaker storytellers, and directed numerous boundary breaking productions in Europe, England and North America.

 These small group (25 maximum workshops)
will be running from 5:30 to 8:30pm .
The investment including dinner is only $25.00.
The workshop is limited in size. Whether you tell a story or simply witness, you will learn a massive amount. If you wish to tell a story and get feedback, get there early to sign up. The first eight people on the list will get a chance to tell their story.

Looking forward to seeing you there.